An Ottoman Saga

An Ottoman Saga is a passionate love story set against the background of the great Ottoman Empire in its years of decline and of Europe in turmoil; war, revolution, the birth pangs of nationalism and democracy, marked by the leaders and personalities who transformed the face of the nineteenth century and paved the way to the world wars of the twentieth century: Sultan Abdülmecid I, Emperor Napoléon III and Empress Eugénie, Cavour, Garibaldi, Emperor Franz-Joseph, Disraeli, the Rothschilds, Florence Nightingale, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Otto von Bismarck, Sultan Abdülhamid II, among others.

Anchoring the multicultural city of Istanbul at the heart of her narrative, Lâtife Mardin transports the reader from the Crimean War to the magnificient capitals of Europe and intertwines East and West in a historical tale of romance and intrigue as Cynthia and Jonathan strive to be united against all odds.

  • 1. Baskı, 2009
  • 512 sayfa
  • İngilizce
  • 15x23 cm
  • 978-975-329-644-1
indirim: %30



*2000₺ üzeri ücretsiz kargo!

Diğer  Oğlak Edebiyat / Roman

Okan Çil


Kösem Sultan
Nahid Sırrı Örik


Babamın Masalı
Tülay Uluser


Gece Olmadan!
Nahid Sırrı Örik


Deniz Kavukçuoğlu


Doğuda Aşk
Latife Mardin


Mavi Evdekiler
Meaghan Delahunt


Hurrem Sultan
M. Turhan Tan


Safiye Sultan
M. Turhan Tan


Yeni Baştan
Nilüfer Kuyaş


Altı Şüpheli
Vikas Swarup


Ölmeden Önce
Murat Kınıkoğlu


Bozkırın Efendisi
Murat Kınıkoğlu


Fotoğraftaki Tutku
Helen Humphreys


Gözyaşı Sarayı
Alev Lytle Croutier


Elveda Birtanem
Antoine Audouard


Nahid Sırrı Örik

Tersine Giden Yol
Nahid Sırrı Örik


Yıldız Olmak Kolay mı?
Nahid Sırrı Örik


Nahid Sırrı Örik
