A Taste of Heaven in Turkey Gourmet Cuisine of Gaziantep

A written source, this comprehensive about Gaziantep, the gourmet capital of Turkish cuisine has not been available until the publication of this book. Tahir Tekin Öztan and crew, whose mission has been to introduce Turkish cuisine,  especially cuisine of Gaziantep to the entire world, collected hundreds of recipes directly from primary sources channeling the region's deep cooking history. They travelled 5 thousand kilometers, taking 5 thousand photographs and talking to individuals in whose memory the history of this Gaziantep cuisine is truly engrained. Through the wisdom and knowledge of the elderly women of Gaziantep, the original recipes of ancestors came within reach. Actually, this book has been 150 years in the making! If these unique, easy to make at home recipes had not been compiled here, they would have been lost to time…

Gaziantep's millennia old rich food heritage, worthy of competing with the best cuisines of the world, can endure by finding a place in our home kitchens. Through this book, Gaziantep's original local tastes are archived and preserved by committing them to paper, so they can take their place amongst other monuments of world food culture.

  • 1. Baskı, 2014
  • 392 sayfa
  • I. Hamur, Kutulu, 2 Cilt, 4 renk baskı, İngilizce
  • 17x22,5 cm
  • 978-975-329-876-6
indirim: %30



*2000₺ üzeri ücretsiz kargo!

Diğer  Gastronomi / Diğer Yemek Kültür

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